The role and structure of our Governing Body
The Governing Body of Nassington School helps the staff to maintain standards, develop policies and guide the strategic direction of the school. There are few areas of school life that governors do not get involved with. Some governors are not education professionals so we bring a useful external view to the continuous improvement of the school. As part of the Unity, we work closely with the other two schools and some of our documentation and policies will move over to the Unity versions as the year progresses.
There are up to 14 governors and we meet six times per year, usually at the start of each half term. Each governor has additional responsibilities such as supporting particular areas of the curriculum, including Pupil Premium and overseeing elements of the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The governing body is made up of:
Role | How Elected |
2 Parent Governors | Elected by parents and carers |
1 LA Governor | Selected from local nominations by the Local Authority to represent their views |
2 Staff Governors | Representing the views of staff. Governors include the Headteacher |
5 Community Governors | Selected by other governors to represent the local community |
4 Associate Governors | Additional people who the governing body feel will provide additional value to the running of the school. These include finance, health and safety, buildings and IT. These people cannot vote. |
Our Governors
Governor Name | Governor Role |
Deborah Manger | Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor |
Anna Stockley | Vice-Chair of Governors/Parent Governor |
Ed Carlyle | Executive Headteacher |
Alexa Campbell | Staff Governor, Head of School |
Tony Cooper | Co-opted Governor |
Derrick Mortimer | Co-opted Governor/Safeguarding Governor |
Berry Sas | Co-opted Governor |
Kayley Hill | Parent Governor |
Gary Peatling | Clerk to the Governing Body |
Records of attendance
It is important that governors attend as many of the full governing body meetings as possible. These records can be found in the sidebar.